
Fairy Rings & Yoruba Proverbs

                       "Maybe they're having a conference..."

My mother had noticed something rather interesting on our front lawn the other day. To her surprise, a group of wild mushrooms appeared to be growing in a circle with a little one right smack in the middle. "Maybe they're having a conference" dad  chuckled. "Maybe they're protecting the one in the middle" I replied. The African proverb immediately popped in my head...
'It takes a whole village to raise a child'

"Fairy rings" came from old beliefs that fairies danced inside the circle of mushroom and also being a portal to the elfkin kingdoms. Aw man how cool is that? I have direct hook-ups to the elf world right on my front lawn! See you guys...I'll bring back a picture.

Click here for more info on mushroom circles!

1 comment:

yurahen said...

Elf world :)