"Blue moon is the appearance of the third
full moon in a
season with four full moons. It is never really blue. The term has also been used to refer to the second full moon in a month" - Wiki.
Some funky stuff has been going down in the cosmos lately! Anyone seen the Super Moon on May 4, 2012 or the Solar Eclipse on May, 20th? Or how about the
'ultra-luminous core-collapse supernova' on Aug 30th? There has also been some meteor showers going on in early August some of you may have seen already. It's all so exciting. Anyway, back to this moon phase...
I've always had a thing about the moon. The sun's yang..or yin, whichever it is. It's light-approach always affected me in a more calming way than a sun would. Growing up I had recurring nightmares and trouble sleeping in the dark. Every now and then the moon glow would peer in my room through the blinds and cast playful shadows on my wall. I recall having the best sleep on those nights. Apparently full moons affect your dream patterns.
Tonight the moon had a full ring glowing around it. Some say a glowing ring during winter means it is one of the coldest nights. Well I guess they're partially right, since it is shinning through ice crystals. Hmmm...
It's all mysterious to me.
Click here for more info on Core-Collapse Supernova!